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After being dismissed and banned from receiving his graduation certificate, the struggle ends

Publish Date : Monday, 30 April, 2018
Last Update : Thursday, 7 June, 2018

30 April 2018

High Court has decided the acceptance of the appeal by the student Mohamed A’asem Abd-Alfattah, for being banned from receiving his graduation certificate by administration of the Faculty of Artistic Education, Helwan University. The decisioned insures the student to receive his graduation certificate in Lawsuit number 63254/Judaical year 71.

Administration of the Faculty of Artistic Education, Helwan University has recently decided a number of penalties for a group of students, for the reasons being their posts on facebook. The students have been criticizing the bad conditions of the faculty, which has upset the dean of the faculty, Mohammed Ishak, who stated that any student who will criticize the faculty will be held for an investigation.

The dean has referred more than 10 students for investigations. Penalties has been decided on the students, whether by two weeks dismissal or by being banned from attending the final examinations. Mohamed Assem, on the other hand who graduated as the 21st of his class, was punished by being banned from receiving his certificate and not taking his last semester results into account.

Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression has managed to provide most of the students with the legal support and abolishing their penalties.

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