Detention renewals
8 January sessions
Criminal Court
The Criminal Court (Third Circuit) renewed the detention of the contractor, Abdel Rahaman Alwany, for 45 days pending lawsuit No. 1635 of 2022 (Supreme State Security Prosecution), in which Alawny is accused of joining a terrorist group, spreading false news and information, and using social media to commit a crime. Security forces arrested Alwany from his house on the 1st of November 2022, and was illegally detained for a week before being brought before the prosecution.
The Criminal Court (Second Circuit) renewed Mohamed Raafat Nasr Taha’s detention for 45 days pending investigations of lawsuit No. 1977 of 2022 (Supreme State Security), in which he’s accused of joining a terrorist group, committing the crime of financing terrorism, using social media to call for a terrorist act, participating in a criminal agreement intended to commit a terrorist crime, incitement to commit a terrorist crime, and publishing and spreading false news and information.
Security forces arrested Nasr from Alexandria on November 2, 2023, and he forcibly disappeared for five days before being brought before the investigation authorities.
The Criminal Court (Second Circuit) renewed Mohamed Mahmoud Amer Abdel Aziz’s detention for 45 days, pending investigations of lawsuit No. 1984 of 2021 (Supreme State Security Prosecution).
Abdel Aziz was arrested on October 15, 2021, he was subjected to enforced disappearance for 45 days in an unknown location. The national security investigation report stated that Amer had participated in a media movement attributed to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group, the same investigation that a warrant for his arrest and summons was issued. Abdel Aziz faces accusations of joining a terrorist group.
Supreme State Security Prosecution
The Supreme State Security Prosecution decided to renew the detention of Ahmed Husine Ahmed Abostit for 15 days, pending lawsuit No. 2468 of 2023 (Supreme State Security). Security forces had arrested him on October 24, 2023, in Abdel Moneim Riad Square due to his participation in the demonstrations in support of Palestine on October 20.
It is worthy to note that the prosecution accused him of joining a terrorist group with knowledge of its purposes and participating in a gathering intended to harm public safety and order, changing the government system through force, and forcing a public employee to refrain from performing one of his duties through intimidation and violence. To accomplish a terrorist purpose, the defendant destroyed public and private property, both immovable and movable.
9 January sessions
Criminal Court
The Criminal Court (Second Circuit) renewed the detention of Ahmed Abdel Mageed Oraby for 45 days, pending investigations of lawsuit No. 2094 of 2022 (Supreme State Security), in which Oraby is accused over Facebook posts he shared discussing poor living conditions.
It should be noted that Oraby lost his eye in the clashes of Mohamed Mahmoud Street, and he was previously imprisoned for a year and a half. This time he was arrested in November 2022, and he faces accusations of joining a terrorist group with knowledge of its purposes, committing a terrorist financing crime, inciting a terrorist act, participating in a criminal agreement for the purpose of committing a terrorist crime, spreading false news and statements, and using an account on social media to commit a crime.
The Criminal Court (Second Circuit) renewed the detention of poet Galal Al-Behairi, for 45 days, pending investigations of lawsuit No. 2000 of 2021 (Supreme State Security Prosecution), which is the third lawsuit against Al-Behairi after his arrest for writing the song “Balaha,” which criticizes the policies of the current president.
It is worth noting that Al-Behairi had informed his family two days before the session that the administration of the Correction and Rehabilitation Center in Badr 1 was deliberately harassing him by stripping his cell of his books, papers, and supplies.
Cairo Criminal Court (Second Circuit) decided to renew the detention of Mohamed Abdel Aal Abou El-Dahab for 45 days, pending investigations of lawsuit No. 2094 of 2022 (Supreme State Security).
Security forces arrested Abou El-Dahab on November 10, 2022; he appeared before the prosecution five days later to face accusations of joining a terrorist group, committing the crime of financing terrorism, using social media to promote a terrorist act, participating in a criminal agreement to commit a terrorist crime (demonstrations), inciting to commit a terrorist crime (demonstrations), and spreading false news and statements.
The Al-Matarya Misdemeanor Court decided to postpone the trial of Ahmed Mohamed Ramadan El-Tantawy, his presidential campaign manager, Mohamed Mousa Abu El-Diyar, and twenty-one members of the presidential campaign until the February 6 session to complete the defense case, pending Case No. 16336 of 2023 Matarya Misdemeanors, Publically known as “ Al-Tantawy’s public Endorsements.”,
Supreme State Security Prosecution
The Supreme State Security Prosecution renewed the detention of Mahmoud Gamal Abo Sree, for 15 days pending investigations of lawsuit No. 508 of 2023 (Supreme State Security).
Security forces arrested Abo Sree On December 19, 2023, from Borg ElArab Airport while returning from abroad to spend a vacation with his family, he was brought before the Supreme State Security Prosecution on December 20, 2023, and was charged with joining a terrorist group while knowing its purposes, and publishing and broadcasting false news and information that would harm security and public order—and using an account on international information networks for publishing and posting false news and information.
It is also worth noting that he was not confronted with any seizures, nor was he confronted with any news or publications concerning him.
10 January sessions
Criminal Court
The Criminal Court (Second Circuit) renewed the detention of journalist Manal Agrama, for 45 days, pending investigations of lawsuit No. 1893 of 2022 (Supreme State Security).
The demands for Agrama’s release have increased since her father passed away in February to take care of her elderly mother. Agrama also suffers from several health problems in her spine, which have worsened due to her continued detention and medical neglect.
The Criminal Court (Second Circuit) renewed Sherif Elrouby’s detention for an extra 45 days, pending investigations of lawsuit No. 1634 of 2022 (State Security).
Elrouby was recently diagnosed with severe inflammation of the seventh nerve and is suffering from excruciating pain that reached the point of difficulty in speaking. His former prison administration in Abou Za’abal refused the Court’s order to transfer him to the prison hospital so he could visit a specialized doctor; Elrouby stated before the court that his new prison administration refused to dispense his medications and didn’t allow him to get his physiotherapy sessions. The following day, AFTE’s defense panel submitted a request to the Supreme State Security Prosecution demanding to refer Elrouby to a neurologist and dispense his necessary medications.
The Criminal Court (Second Circuit) renewed the detention of the assistant professor of political science at the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science at Alexandria University, Ahmed AlTohamy, for 45 days, pending investigations of lawsuit No. 649 of 2020 (Supreme State Security Prosecution).
The Criminal Court (Second Circuit) renewed Nour Fayez Ebrahim’s detention for 45 days, pending investigations of lawsuit No. 2993 of 2021 (Supreme State Security).
Security forces arrested Fayez in December 2022 after he established a Facebook group discussing monotheistic religions. The Supreme State Security Prosecution interrogated him for the first time on January 11 2023 and accused him of leading a terrorist group and disdaining the monotheistic religions.
The Criminal Court (Second Circuit) decided to renew the detention of Momtaz Ahmed Lotfy for 45 days, pending investigations of case No. 1539 of 2022 (State Security).
Security forces arrested Lotfy from his house on August 21, 2022, the prosecution interrogated him on September 5, against the background of a video he posted about the Gamasa Prison fire. He was later accused of joining a terrorist group, spreading false news, and misusing social media.
The Criminal Court (Second Circuit) renewed the detention of the deputy director of the Information Technology Department at Al-Akhbar newspaper, Yehia Elsayed Othman, Student Islam Ramadan Kamel, and Mohamed Mostafa Abdel Qader, for 45 days, pending investigations of lawsuit No. 1893 of 2022 (Supreme State Security).
The police forces arrested the defendants at various times in November 2022 for sharing their political views. Elsayed Othman shared a video via Facebook complaining about price hikes, while the 83-year-old Ahmed Adel Soliman called for the November 11 demonstrations.