Privacy Policies of Communication Companies in Egypt

Date : Monday, 10 December, 2018

Orange Company

Orange Egypt Telecom is a public company listed on the Egyptian stock exchange, offering wireless and Internet services.

  • Ownership → MT Telecom (Belgian company) owns more than 99% of Orange Egypt Telecom.
  • Services provided by the company → Telecommunications services for mobile phones and the Internet.
  • Affiliates → Orange Egypt Telecom has several subsidiaries such as Orange DSL and Link Egypt for Trading, Services and Egypt for Mobile Phone Towers, Mobinil for Import and Orange for Services and Egyptian French for Financial Leasing.

How Orange deals with user data

  Access to the Privacy Policy: The Privacy Policy is publicly, comprehensively, and easily accessible.

    The Company does not have a privacy policy covering all of its services, while there is a privacy policy relating only to the company’s main website, as well as certain provisions in the service contract and in the legal section.

   Change of privacy policies :Companies commitment to inform users about changes in privacy policies..

    The Company does not provide a clear privacy policy and therefore there is no mechanism to inform users of policy changes, while the “legal side” section of the Company’s Website states that “Orange reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this Agreement from time to time and shall become effective immediately upon the announcement of the Terms and Conditions Modified on the website and the continuation of the User’s use of the Orange Channels shall be considered as acceptance and approval of these amendments.”

  • Data collection : the quality of data and information gathered by companies about users, and how this is done.

    The Company requires, in accordance with a decision of the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA), to obtain a copy of the national ID while contracting the telecommunications services it provides, and therefore the Company has all the personal data of the users.

There are no details published on the company’s website or in the contract to obtain a service about the type of the data collected. However, the company requires, in accordance with a decision of the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, to obtain a copy of the national number during the contracting of the telecommunications services provided by the company. It has all the personal data of users. There is also a reference to data collection in the “Confidentiality” and “Legal” sections of the Company’s website, such as the collection, processing and use of personal data by Orange to provide services and collect personal data about the use of the services offered by

   The “legal” section of the company’s website states that the company has the right to “copy, modify, or distribute any sub-work” from any documents submitted by the user to the company “through communication channels, e-mail or otherwise.”

Orange offers its customers the application of “My Orange” through which users can manage their account. This application has wide powers such as downloading files on the phone without informing the user, lists of contacts, viewing, adding and deleting accounts on the phone, or approximate location based on the network.

 • Data sharing : the quality of data that companies share with third parties and purpose of sharing.

    There is no indication of the specific kind of data collected by the company or the kind of data that is shared with third parties. Reference was made to data sharing with third parties in the service contract and in the “Statement of Confidentiality” and “Legal Entity” sections posted on the Company’s website:

  • Orange is entitled to disclose all or some data and information about its customers if this is in compliance with the law or a decision issued by a competent judicial body or any of the national security agencies.
  • Orange has the right to process and use the personal data of any other organizations acting on behalf of Orange to provide services.
  • In the “legal” section of the company’s website, the company’s right to disclose to others the personal data “if this is in the express implementation of the provisions of the law or at the request of a judicial authority or on the basis of explicit written instructions”.
  • In the “Statement of Privacy” section of the company’s website, the statement states that personal data can be shared with third parties. “We encourage you to inform us of what you require to use of your personal data for marketing purposes. However, when you agree to these requirements, your name and address may be disclosed to third party vendors and service providers who may use your data to market their products and services to you. “
  • The company has the right to disclose the data collected through its website “only in general terms and not in the exact form provided by the users”.
  • The Company has the right to disclose personal data relating to user transactions performed on its website for any party to the transaction.
  • Orange may disclose your personal data if it deems it necessary to comply with legal requirements or to comply with legal requirements, protect or defend’s rights and property, as well as the implementation of this electronic agreement and to protect the interests of users of the site as well.
  Data Retention :The length of time companies retain data collected from users, and their storage and protection mechanisms..

Orange does not provide customers with any information about how long the company maintains user data and information.

  Users control their data : users’ access to their data, their collection and sharing.

There is no way users can control their personal data or their sharing with third parties.

Disclosure procedures :What procedures are used in case government entities request user data.

    The Company does not provide clear information about the procedures used in the case of government entitiesrequestingto obtain user data, except to stipulate that Orange is entitled to disclose all or some of the data and information of its customers if this is in compliance with the law or a decision of a competent judicial body or National Security.

 Disclosure of requests for information :Transparency of companies in public disclosure of requests by government agencies to obtain user information and informing users..

The company does not disclose government requests for information about users.

 • Communication security measures : policies and procedures followed by companies to secure communications and data storage.

    The company does not provide information about the protection of communications and data storage, it only indicates that the company is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of data and information of subscribers.

Other observations

    In the “Legal” section posted on the company’s website, there are four provisions requiring users to comply with company rules while publishing digital content, which is a restriction of the freedom of digital expression, as in accordance with the law and the terms of contract between Orange and users, Communication Service Provider.

The texts are as follows:

  • The user must ensure that the material presented for its part is suitable for publication and that agree to compensate Orange if a third party undertakes any measure against Orange related to the substance presented by the user.
  • Accordingly, the user must undertake to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and guidelines related to Orange concerning the substance or content that does not exceed the acceptable limits of morals and taste that do not violate religions, traditions and beliefs.
  • The user must ensure that the material presented for its part is suitable for publication and the approval of Orange compensation should be accepted if the third party takes any action against Orange relating to the material provided by the user.
  • The User undertakes not to cause, direct, or allow others to cause direct or indirect harm, piracy, or any inconvenience or harm, or to intentionally allow others to cause such inconvenience either to Orange or to any of its customers or users of Orange channels by any means whatsoever.
  • The user must agree not to use Orange channels to transmit or send any material to defame, assault, insult or threaten a person, or in the opinion of Orange, cause a disturbance or harassment to it or to any other person or cause any illegal incidents.

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