Khaled Mamdouh Mohamed Ibrahim

Arrest date: 16 July 2024

Legal status: Held in pretrial detention

Case No. 1282 of 2024 (Supreme State Security Prosecution)


In the early hours of 16 July 2024, the family of journalist Khaled Mamdouh was surprised with a National Security police force raiding their house in search of Mamdouh. The force searched the house and seized all phones and mobile devices there, and kept asking about the whereabouts of Mamdouh, who was outside with his eldest son. When Mamdouh returned home, he was arrested, and his son was physically assaulted. Then, Mamdouh was taken to an unknown location, and the security force remained stationed in front of the building until 8 am, preventing any members of Mamdouh’s family from leaving the house.

On 17 July, AFTE submitted a complaint, No. 846067 of 2024, to the Public Prosecution regarding the incident.

Mamdouh remained under enforced disappearance for six days before appearing before the Supreme State Security Prosecution on 21 July 2024, in connection with Case No. 1282 of 2024 (Supreme State Security Prosecution). The prosecution charged him with joining a terrorist group with knowledge of its purposes, committing a crime of financing a terrorist group, and spreading false news and statements that would harm security and public order. The prosecution seized his mobile phone and laptop.

It is worth mentioning that Mamdouh’s arrest report was dated 20 July, not the date of his actual arrest on 16 July.

Mamdouh works as a journalist at Arabi Post website. He worked previously as an anchor for the MBC group for nearly 19 years, and a broadcaster of the European Program at the Egyptian radio (Maspero) for several years. He specialized mainly in sports journalism.

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